Walking Rugby

Team info

KRFC Walking Rugby - New Players Welcome

Open to all over 40’s men and women of all abilities with the aim being to give people a different fitness activity which is non-contact but still energetic.
Formed by Kettering Rugby Club, the team play walking rugby, which is...
Walking Rugby
Walking Rugby
Walking Rugby

About the team

Open to all over 40’s men and women of all abilities with the aim being to give people a different fitness activity which is non-contact but still energetic.
Formed by Kettering Rugby Club, the team play walking rugby, which is a slower paced game of touch rugby and is ideal for those who want to enjoy the game without getting tackled or injured.
With frequent breaks and breathers encouraged, the hour and a half-long sessions at Waverley Road aim to be a welcoming space for those wanting to make new friends and get active.
We hope by launching this version of the game will attract current club members & new members who are not able to play contact or 02 touch back to rugby & the club.
Join us on a Monday 7pm - 8:30pm (drink in the bar after)
Sam Bosworth
Walking Rugby Manager
Sam Bosworth
Peter May
Walking Rugby Administration
Peter May
07704 336733